After the post about character design i was testing out ideas for characters that i would put in my game adverts
So with this characters i doodled out opposite i have figured to what alignement of the game they will be. The snake/rolling ball character shall be the player's model and the robot/walking face shall be one of the foe's the player faces. The rolling ball will be the way the powers of the character is used (the 4 elemental powers). I will draw up some more detailed designs of the characters
I have also draw up a few scene ideas for the locations i will use in the animation.
Monday, 26 December 2011
Ideas for the magazine advert
I was using photoshop to test out ideas for the magazine advert, this is the first image i have made.

This image took roughly about an hour to make and i feel it has some good and bad points about it. The good points is that it conforms to some of the magazine advert styles as it leaves a enigma to who 'they' are and also to what animal/person those eyes belong to. The destruction on the text plate is meant to draw in attention as well as it asks the question to what did the damage to it. However, the magazine advert seems to look poorly made as the colours and the way it feels seems to be childish and unprofessional.
Improvements i can make: redesign the eyes, adjust the background so it is more interesting and work on the metal plate so it looks more realistic and fits in better with the rest of the picture.
The intended outcome is to have a magazine advert that shows a little bit of information about the game but keeps a question which draws viewers interest into the game. I am not sure i want it to be a character for the magazine advert though, i may switch the design to a place or some item within the game

This image took roughly about an hour to make and i feel it has some good and bad points about it. The good points is that it conforms to some of the magazine advert styles as it leaves a enigma to who 'they' are and also to what animal/person those eyes belong to. The destruction on the text plate is meant to draw in attention as well as it asks the question to what did the damage to it. However, the magazine advert seems to look poorly made as the colours and the way it feels seems to be childish and unprofessional.
Improvements i can make: redesign the eyes, adjust the background so it is more interesting and work on the metal plate so it looks more realistic and fits in better with the rest of the picture.
The intended outcome is to have a magazine advert that shows a little bit of information about the game but keeps a question which draws viewers interest into the game. I am not sure i want it to be a character for the magazine advert though, i may switch the design to a place or some item within the game
The Game i will be advertising
The general idea for the game i will be advertising is as follows, it will feature several aspects that i feel would make a fun game
- Puzzle solving elements
- Fast pace action
- Involving story line
- Good Character design
- Subtle humor
- Unique art style
These are the rough elements i want to show in my TV advertisement, As i do not have to explore the design of the game too deeply i can roughly add a few elements of the game. The general story line is as follows
- Protagonist (you) has the power of 4 elements; air, fire, water and earth.
- Protagonist is looking for a object/reason/person which is held by the enemy/foe of the game
- The game features a combination of puzzle solving, action and a mixture of the two.
The things i want to promote in the magazine advert is the game's feeling and either its character of some other prominent feature of the game, this could be the logo, a foe you face or one a action shot of the game. The game cover will be similar to this in the sense of promoting a certain aspect of the game for the viewer to be drawn into.
Character Developement within video games
Video game characters from the recently released games, from about the 90s and newer, are said to have such an important role that they can almost match the mechanics within the game it self. A game with good character design and characters that are able to thicken and make the plot line of the game better are able to draw in the player and make them want to continue with the story to see how it pans out. Games such as the recently released 'Elder scrolls V: Skryim' has an excellent example of this, this genre of this game is called a Role Playing game and personally i think that Skyrim has done an excellent job of this. With its in depth character customization and deep story line that is filled with sub stories that can be discovered and followed through out the game. Skyrim shows who important character development can be within a RPG game such as itself.
Good characters are important as it helps to add a special feel to the game that makes for its own unique playing style. For example the games 'Ratchet and Clank' and 'Crash bandicoot' are both of similar genres but they play as two completely different games. 'Ratchet and Clank''s characters have a slightly older feel to the way the characters act and react to the environment. They will react to events within the environment to help drive the story line and the player's involvement within the game.
Advertisements of games usually involve the characters of the game as its main advertising point. Good characters help to make good games, that is why i am going to put another post about the character of my game, though i will not be putting much emphasis on it/him/her in the advert.
Good characters are important as it helps to add a special feel to the game that makes for its own unique playing style. For example the games 'Ratchet and Clank' and 'Crash bandicoot' are both of similar genres but they play as two completely different games. 'Ratchet and Clank''s characters have a slightly older feel to the way the characters act and react to the environment. They will react to events within the environment to help drive the story line and the player's involvement within the game.
Advertisements of games usually involve the characters of the game as its main advertising point. Good characters help to make good games, that is why i am going to put another post about the character of my game, though i will not be putting much emphasis on it/him/her in the advert.
functions of magazine ads and tv ads
Magazine adverts
From all the research i have done about magazine adverts i can now summarize the main points of what the functions of magazine adverts are
- To attract attention to the game's release
- To show a slight insight into the game's story and genre
- To help boost hype for the game's release
TV adverts
TV adverts seem to have a similar purpose to that of magazine adverts, however they have more flexibility for what they can show within the time slot. TV adverts' functionality whilst being very similar to Magazine adverts the have a few extra points which they can play about with to heighten certain aspects of their advert. For instance a TV advert can have a focus on the game's narrative so that it will help to introduce the viewer to the game's story line and try and hook them by a story focused approach.
TV advert costs
TV advert costs are based around prices per adult view. Most channels will trade on a discount off ITV's price each month, which averages at £6.36 per thousand adult viewers.
TV adverts are also measured in 'impacts', impacts(your advert) are placed in the spots (ad breaks) and are usually 30 seconds long. The number of spots that you will get for your ad breaks depends on the size of the channel and how many impacts each spot delivers on average
ITV example
ITV's £250,000 asking price for a 30 second slot during the 2010 series of Britain's Got Talent is currently the most expensive advertising slot on television
TV advert conventions
Length: 10-30 seconds
Selling point clearly shown
Product shown clearly
Features the product in a good light
TV advert costs
TV advert costs are based around prices per adult view. Most channels will trade on a discount off ITV's price each month, which averages at £6.36 per thousand adult viewers.
TV adverts are also measured in 'impacts', impacts(your advert) are placed in the spots (ad breaks) and are usually 30 seconds long. The number of spots that you will get for your ad breaks depends on the size of the channel and how many impacts each spot delivers on average
ITV example
ITV's £250,000 asking price for a 30 second slot during the 2010 series of Britain's Got Talent is currently the most expensive advertising slot on television
TV advert conventions
Length: 10-30 seconds
Selling point clearly shown
Product shown clearly
Features the product in a good light
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Context research into game covers, mag ads and tv ads
Game covers, magazine adverts and TV adverts all have specific places they must be shown. This is for a reason, mainly because of the audience that will view it and that it will increase the effectiveness of the adverts. For adverts related to me, game adverts, my theory is that they will be in/on game, tech, multimedia or wide national media artifacts.
Magazine advert placement, after viewing the results of my questionnaire i have decided that i would publish the magazine advert into magazines like Wired and Geek

These magazine types will be a better place for me to publish the advert as the audience will be more aware of types of games and will show a interest into the product.
The TV advert will be put across onto ITV channels and onto Youtube, this is because of the popularity of both companies and the viewer numbers they have on their services. ITV will help to possibly draw in sections of the market overlooked in the targeting of the demographic. Youtube allows for adverts to be placed on related videos and also to have the front page of Youtube taken over by a company's product advertisements.

The placement for the retail game copy will be in stores like gamestop and game, these big name high street shops are well populated with open minded gamers who would show a avid interest in the product

The digital distributions side of the product will allow for the TV advert and the game cover to work together on the game's page. The digital distribution company that i will use will be Valve and its Steam software. Valve can also provide the choice of borrowed interest to be used from its products auidences to the game's release. For example; before the game is released (as with retail copies) a pre-order bonus can be applied to customers for bonuses within the game; custom game features, soundtrack of the game or artwork to be sent to the customer. Another feature valve has done is that with customers purchasing or pre-ordering a product they will receive items for one of their most popular games (TeamFortress 2), this is a widely used tactic which sky rockets the game's release.
Magazine advert placement, after viewing the results of my questionnaire i have decided that i would publish the magazine advert into magazines like Wired and Geek

These magazine types will be a better place for me to publish the advert as the audience will be more aware of types of games and will show a interest into the product.
The TV advert will be put across onto ITV channels and onto Youtube, this is because of the popularity of both companies and the viewer numbers they have on their services. ITV will help to possibly draw in sections of the market overlooked in the targeting of the demographic. Youtube allows for adverts to be placed on related videos and also to have the front page of Youtube taken over by a company's product advertisements.

The placement for the retail game copy will be in stores like gamestop and game, these big name high street shops are well populated with open minded gamers who would show a avid interest in the product

The digital distributions side of the product will allow for the TV advert and the game cover to work together on the game's page. The digital distribution company that i will use will be Valve and its Steam software. Valve can also provide the choice of borrowed interest to be used from its products auidences to the game's release. For example; before the game is released (as with retail copies) a pre-order bonus can be applied to customers for bonuses within the game; custom game features, soundtrack of the game or artwork to be sent to the customer. Another feature valve has done is that with customers purchasing or pre-ordering a product they will receive items for one of their most popular games (TeamFortress 2), this is a widely used tactic which sky rockets the game's release.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011
functions of game covers
Game covers are one of the most important features within a game's marketing and advertisement, game covers need to have a memorable cover, to create a lasting feeling when viewed and to persuader the audience to buy the game. From what i have talked about in older posts it is clear that covers are as important as the tv adverts and other forms of advertisements.
However, not all game covers follow the same rules as what i have described in older posts. There are covers that choose to break certain conventions to go against the grain and try to stand out against the covers that follow the conventions.
for example here is the cover to the newly released Elder Scrolls V: Skryim
This cover still conforms to a few conventions;
Striking cover
But that is all, everything else is left to be a mystery and to cause a enigma for the viewer to what exactly this game is about
This method of the way this cover is formed and the content of the cover makes it a very unique and memorable cover.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Technical research into Game tv adverts
Tv adverts for game can be anything from setting the theme/scene of the game with some story line hints or they can be game footage with a sound track, for one side. On the other hand a game advert can be a silly mild spoof of reality mixed in with the games reality. For instance take this Starcraft 2 advert (Starcraft is a series of games made by Blizzard. Blizzard also own World of Warcraft and other games within its series)
This Korean advert shows us a great number of interesting points with game advertisements. This shows the spoofy side of game advertisements compared to the Valve advertisements i have shown in older posts. This advert plays on the iconography that the Starcraft games before hand have developed within the fans minds. The length of the advert is what i like the most as it allows for a short sharp punchy advert to strike a note with the audience and cause a sense of consuming interest that needs to be filled from learning about the game. Another thing to note is the style of the advert. This style of semi-real time filming creates certain feelings within the advert. Also this advert seems to follow a theme of other adverts released within the area: Korea. Most of the adverts in Korea are completely different to the adverts from the western side of the globe.
Things i will take from the advert will be the comedic side of the advert and also the length of the advert. These seem to create a lasting impression onto the audience and makes the advert more powerful and potent
This is a trailer for a great little game called Terraria, this is a trailer for the upcoming update 1.1 This trailer shows of the gameplay with messages through it talking about the game and the updates that are in it. This trailer shows spoilers and hints to what is coming up in this trailer. I like how this trailer is put together; in game footage with text screens, musical for the only sounds to be heard throughout the trailer.
For my trailer i will try to use the musical style of that being the only sound, unless i feel it is needed, and the hints and mild spoiler to the
This trailer for Elder Scrolls V - Skryim shows what a big budget company can achieve for an advert. This, i feel, is a truly amazing and iconic advert. It captures the feeling of the game and sets the plot to the story in solid rock. The musical elements of the trailer really add to the theatrical elements of the trailer. The choice of having a orchestral musical with the chanting/singing score helps to add to the points of tension and hype when the dragonborn shouts. This trailer is a mixture of gameplay and specifically made animations. I feel this trailer will stand as a measuring stone for future big budget game releases.
I would like to use the combination of trailer made animations and gameplay with the awe inspiring music but depending on the time it would take to make the animations along side of the gameplay it might not be as effective as i would want it to be
My second tv advert will use a similar style of to that of the starcraft 2 advert, the live action shots will take influence from Mr Toledano's 'Faces of Gamers', these sets of photos show the various faces that gamers make whilst playing their games. However, these tend to show the gamers in a bad light due to the many expressions of anger/frustration within a game, my aim is to take that concept and put it into a positive light for the purpose of my advert
My main aim with the second tv advert is to show a gamer having fun and a gamer that is having a seemingly hard time with a game, i will use these faces to show the effects on a person's happiness if they play the game i will be advertising
This is a trailer for a great little game called Terraria, this is a trailer for the upcoming update 1.1 This trailer shows of the gameplay with messages through it talking about the game and the updates that are in it. This trailer shows spoilers and hints to what is coming up in this trailer. I like how this trailer is put together; in game footage with text screens, musical for the only sounds to be heard throughout the trailer.
For my trailer i will try to use the musical style of that being the only sound, unless i feel it is needed, and the hints and mild spoiler to the
This trailer for Elder Scrolls V - Skryim shows what a big budget company can achieve for an advert. This, i feel, is a truly amazing and iconic advert. It captures the feeling of the game and sets the plot to the story in solid rock. The musical elements of the trailer really add to the theatrical elements of the trailer. The choice of having a orchestral musical with the chanting/singing score helps to add to the points of tension and hype when the dragonborn shouts. This trailer is a mixture of gameplay and specifically made animations. I feel this trailer will stand as a measuring stone for future big budget game releases.
I would like to use the combination of trailer made animations and gameplay with the awe inspiring music but depending on the time it would take to make the animations along side of the gameplay it might not be as effective as i would want it to be
My second tv advert will use a similar style of to that of the starcraft 2 advert, the live action shots will take influence from Mr Toledano's 'Faces of Gamers', these sets of photos show the various faces that gamers make whilst playing their games. However, these tend to show the gamers in a bad light due to the many expressions of anger/frustration within a game, my aim is to take that concept and put it into a positive light for the purpose of my advert
My main aim with the second tv advert is to show a gamer having fun and a gamer that is having a seemingly hard time with a game, i will use these faces to show the effects on a person's happiness if they play the game i will be advertising
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
SMART objectives are incredibly useful for project management, i will now be using SMART objectives to help me through the project
SMART for week beginning 21/11/11
-By the end of this week i want to have my blog up to the stage of design and production-
Specific: x
Measurable: x
Reasonable: x
Timed: x
SMART for week beginning 21/11/11
-By the end of this week i want to have my blog up to the stage of design and production
Specific: x
Measurable: x
Reasonable: x
Timed: x
Marking criteria
Level 4
The candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence in most of the following technical skills:
• using IT appropriately for the task set;
• showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design;
• showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size;
• accurate use of language and register;
• appropriately integrating illustration and text;
• framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate;
• using a variety of shot distances as appropriate;
• shooting material appropriate to the task set;
• selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;
• manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including within text, within particular IT programmes, cropping and resizing.
Level 4
The candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence in most of the following technical skills:
• holding a shot steady, where appropriate;
• framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate;
• using a variety of shot distances as appropriate;
• shooting material appropriate to the task set;
• selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;
• editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer;
• using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately;
• using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task.
Monday, 21 November 2011
Technical research into Game covers
After looking at the evolution of game covers and how they have changed throughout the years it is easy to pick out a few ideas that all game covers abide by.
Apart from the legal things that have to be on the game covers we can see that not all game covers have the generic structure of; title, main character(or place), logo. However we can see that they all aim for the same effect.#
Apart from the legal things that have to be on the game covers we can see that not all game covers have the generic structure of; title, main character(or place), logo. However we can see that they all aim for the same effect.#
- Be striking
- Grab attention
- Persuade
- Entice
- Plant the idea of wanting to buy the game or to make the viewer want to look up information about the product
Technical research into magazine adverts
Magazine adverts have a great number of reasons why they influence media product consumption of the targeted product.
The picture above is a art work poster from the game bastion, bastion is made by a small indie games company called Super Giant Games. Super Giant Games didn't have a very large advertising budget and so (to my knowledge) there wasn't any magazine adverts for it. However if there was a larger budget i would expect this to the image put into the magazine advert. It has a striking image, bright interesting colours and features the main characters and gives a sense of what the game is like. From looking at this potential advert i feel i want to try and achieve the same effect for my magazine advert.
The purpose of a media advert (from what i have learned from the breakdown of the Half Life 2 magazine advert) is to generate revenue for the magazine company and also possible buyers for the game advertised. A good advert is one that can grab the attention and also still be iconic to the franchise if there are previous products which have a group following for.
The picture above is a art work poster from the game bastion, bastion is made by a small indie games company called Super Giant Games. Super Giant Games didn't have a very large advertising budget and so (to my knowledge) there wasn't any magazine adverts for it. However if there was a larger budget i would expect this to the image put into the magazine advert. It has a striking image, bright interesting colours and features the main characters and gives a sense of what the game is like. From looking at this potential advert i feel i want to try and achieve the same effect for my magazine advert.
Adverts within magazines usually have a small image relating to the product advertised on a large spread, this technique is very effective as it generates enigmas for which the reader can answer in the upcoming magazine numbers or by other means advertised within the advert
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Magazine advert breakdown
After many hours of searching I have finally been able to find a magazine advert for me to break down and talk about. This is a magazine advertisement for Half Life 2. More specifically this is a teaser advert for half life 2. From the onset we can see that this advert has a large amount of questions surrounding it. This advert was clearly made for past fans of the series. The crowbar shown is the very first weapon that the character 'Gordon freeman' receives within the game. This advert has a minimalstic approach that works so well due to the iconography of the crowbar and the importance of it for the fans of the games
The clean style of the magazine makes it very striking and ensures the attention of the reader. The caption 'Next month' uses the borrowed audience ideology to draw audiences that are drawn from the game's fans and turns them into possible fans of the magazine and helps to generate revenue for the magazine as word of mouth may help spread news of the upcoming feature that the magazine's existing fan's tell the fans of the game and so generates a snowball effect.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
A few video trailers
Half life 2 - Free yourself
This was a trailer for the mac release of steam. This also advertised the game Half Life 2 now being available to play on Mac computers
Team Fortress 2 - Apple Mac trailer
This is a trailer for the Mac release for steam. This also showed a sneak peak of new items within the game
Team Fortress 2 - Meet the Engineer
There are several 'Meet the' trailers for the game team fortress 2, these trailers show the personality of the class that you can play within the game. These trailers have been a huge hit for fans as they are fore most
comedic and then secondly about the game itself. There are a few other trailers from TF2 (Team Fortress 2) that i will be putting within this post that i believe show the trademark signs of a good advert
Team Fortress 2 - Meet the Medic
This is the latest trailer from valve, unlike other trailers this shows a small narrative within the trailer of the medic and how he tested out one of his in game abilities. These sort of trailers show the small back story to the game and it can be said that this trailer was more fan orientated rather than for a newer audience
Team Fortress 2 - Meet the Sniper
This trailer unlike the last is a documentary spoof narrative to it. This can be said to be for a newer audience but still have a very comedic and interesting hook to the narrative.
Super Meat Boy - Teaser trailer
This trailer shows the game and the narrative within it. This is a trailer made with actual game footage rather than the specially made (with some game footage mixed in) TF2 trailers
This was a trailer for the mac release of steam. This also advertised the game Half Life 2 now being available to play on Mac computers
Team Fortress 2 - Apple Mac trailer
This is a trailer for the Mac release for steam. This also showed a sneak peak of new items within the game
Team Fortress 2 - Meet the Engineer
There are several 'Meet the' trailers for the game team fortress 2, these trailers show the personality of the class that you can play within the game. These trailers have been a huge hit for fans as they are fore most
comedic and then secondly about the game itself. There are a few other trailers from TF2 (Team Fortress 2) that i will be putting within this post that i believe show the trademark signs of a good advert
Team Fortress 2 - Meet the Medic
This is the latest trailer from valve, unlike other trailers this shows a small narrative within the trailer of the medic and how he tested out one of his in game abilities. These sort of trailers show the small back story to the game and it can be said that this trailer was more fan orientated rather than for a newer audience
Team Fortress 2 - Meet the Sniper
This trailer unlike the last is a documentary spoof narrative to it. This can be said to be for a newer audience but still have a very comedic and interesting hook to the narrative.
Super Meat Boy - Teaser trailer
This trailer shows the game and the narrative within it. This is a trailer made with actual game footage rather than the specially made (with some game footage mixed in) TF2 trailers
Monday, 7 November 2011
The graphs and charts show below are
What gender are you? | |
The demographic i originally aimed my questionnaire at was 17 - 25 males. However, these results of showing female responses should help to open the pool of results to allow for other views to possibly open up my demographic to a wider auidence |
What is your age? | |
The demographic for my trailer and subsidiary products is between 17 - 25, however i decided to add other age ranges to see if i could broaden my age range on my demographic. It seems that there is a wide range of ages between 15 and higher than 25 within the results, This means that there is insight from other ages that i have no expected. This will give me a more detailed look at the publics perception and views on game adverts, trailers and reviews |
How would you describe youself? | |||||
I feel that this question was quite important as i have learnt from personal experience that people who play games know more about gaming news and new releases. These results show the majority of people are casual gamers. Causal gamers usually have a reasonable grasp on the types of games that are released and what trailers/magazine reviews do well and for what reasons |
What is your favorite game genre(s)? | |
Knowledge on game genres and information about the number of people playing certain genres has given a small insight on to the type of gamer they are. People game in different ways similar to class differences. It seems to be that the majority of first person shooter gamers tend to be quite narrow minded about any new game they see released. However people who play other types of genres seem to be more of a open minded gamer and so are more active when it comes to new game releases |
If you selected any option(s) above, type the genre you play the most
RPG'sManyRPGactionmanyRPGManyRole Playing GamesManyRole PlayingFirst Person ShootermanyadventureadventureSandbox or adventureFPSFirst Person ShooterFirst Person ShooterReal time strategy
Do you play a lot of 'indie games' | |||||
Indie games are games made by small companies who cannot afford the big budget marketing campaigns. These results show that the people questioned understand what a indie game is and hopefully understand the types of advertising they do. |
How often do you watch TV? | |||||
Do you see many game advertisements on TV?
No.Battlefield 3nosports, Madden, NBANot too much, maybe one or two a daynoaround 7, not sure of namesnoNoNoTypical AAA titles: Gears of war ect..NoNoNo9om Battlefield 3YesYes - After 8pm Call of Du...
I asked this question to find out any memorable adverts they may have stuck in people's minds. I have looked at the adverts mentioned and found adverts of a similar caliber to breakdown and examine. I think this question could have been better if i have specified it a little further
What channels do you seem to see most game advertisements on?
I'd like to see more.Channel 4not reallyESPNchannel 4toonI would like to see far more adverts on TV yes. The gaming market is a huge one, and needs to reach out to many people on more platforms than...
By checking through the demographics for each TV channel i can understand further more how adverts are aimed at
audiences and apply this to my products. I should have also asked if they could have described them and try explain the better bits of the adverts from their opinions
audiences and apply this to my products. I should have also asked if they could have described them and try explain the better bits of the adverts from their opinions
Do you read many magazines?
Yes.A fewyesYesYesYesYesYesyesyesONMOccasionallyOccasionallyOccasionallyNo
Getting a grasp on how many people view magazines on a large number to understand their knowledge on advertisements in magazines. I should have asked if they read types aimed at the games industry
What type of magazine are they?
Music.Musicfashion. film.musicfine artsHomes and GardenHomes and GardenRunningFashion/LifestyleFashionfashion, gossip, film, music, photographymovieGamingtech/gamingTech, Science
Asking questions about the magazine type is very important as i am able to find magazines that i am able to put my projects into. These results seem to show a trend for tech/music/game types of magazines. I could have specified the question a little more by asking about the magazine's name or popularity
Do you see many game adverts within these magazines?
Not particularlyYesno and yes, depends on the type of magazineNoNoNoNoNo and noyesyesyesyes...No
This question i feel was poorly phrased as it asks only for a vague answer. These results however show that there are game adverts within the magazines they read. This isn't a useful answer however as the last two questions should have been linked to make more sense of the results
If so what magazines were they?
No IdeaPC Enthusiast /NoN/AempireempireONMEDGE
These 3 questions in this series asking about magazines should have been put into the same question as i would be able to relate them together better. However they still provide some useful information as i can explain what makes magazine adverts good in the eyes of the public
What would you say is an important feature with a magazine advertisement? | |||||
Do you buy many retail copies of games?
Yes.NononopeyessomenoyesYes. I like to have 'Hard Copies' of my games.YesYesfewNoNoNoNo, I play on other people'snononoyesyesNo
By asking about how many people in this questionnaire buy retail games i can understand the level of knowledge they have and take into account the results shown within certain levels of acknowledgement. However, i should have asked how often they do buy retail copies as it would related better
If so, do you tend to buy games with striking game covers or games with covers with seem interesting?
If so, do you tend to buy games with striking game covers or games with covers with seem interesting?
It is defiantly a bonus.Imaginative usually I go based on reviewslikelyno/games that seem interestingYesStriking Covers Games that I know about, I usually know what I want before i go in.more review...
this question was helpful for me to get a few points i can breakdown about conventions of a game cover, this question was phrased properly and was useful. The graph below also helps me to understand the amount of people who supported different aspects of game covers What would you say is an important feature with a game's cover? | |||||
What would you say is the role of a good TV advertisement for a game? | |
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