Monday, 26 December 2011

The Game i will be advertising

The general idea for the game i will be advertising is as follows, it will feature several aspects that i feel would make a fun game

  • Puzzle solving elements
  • Fast pace action
  • Involving story line
  • Good Character design
  • Subtle humor
  • Unique art style
These are the rough elements i want to show in my TV advertisement, As i do not have to explore the design of the game too deeply i can roughly add a few elements of the game. The general story line is as follows

- Protagonist (you) has the power of 4 elements; air, fire, water and earth.
- Protagonist is looking for a object/reason/person which is held by the enemy/foe of the game
- The game features a combination of puzzle solving, action and a mixture of the two.

The things i want to promote in the magazine advert is the game's feeling and either its character of some other prominent feature of the game, this could be the logo, a foe you face or one a action shot of the game. The game cover will be similar to this in the sense of promoting a certain aspect of the game for the viewer to be drawn into.

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