Magazine advert placement, after viewing the results of my questionnaire i have decided that i would publish the magazine advert into magazines like Wired and Geek

These magazine types will be a better place for me to publish the advert as the audience will be more aware of types of games and will show a interest into the product.
The TV advert will be put across onto ITV channels and onto Youtube, this is because of the popularity of both companies and the viewer numbers they have on their services. ITV will help to possibly draw in sections of the market overlooked in the targeting of the demographic. Youtube allows for adverts to be placed on related videos and also to have the front page of Youtube taken over by a company's product advertisements.

The placement for the retail game copy will be in stores like gamestop and game, these big name high street shops are well populated with open minded gamers who would show a avid interest in the product

The digital distributions side of the product will allow for the TV advert and the game cover to work together on the game's page. The digital distribution company that i will use will be Valve and its Steam software. Valve can also provide the choice of borrowed interest to be used from its products auidences to the game's release. For example; before the game is released (as with retail copies) a pre-order bonus can be applied to customers for bonuses within the game; custom game features, soundtrack of the game or artwork to be sent to the customer. Another feature valve has done is that with customers purchasing or pre-ordering a product they will receive items for one of their most popular games (TeamFortress 2), this is a widely used tactic which sky rockets the game's release.

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