These two images i have created in photoshop will be the front and back of the game cover. These covers have a similar theme in the sense of the pose and the use of lighting to show a character's alignment. There is also a uniform text section giving a hint to the characters relation to each other.
These game covers will also double up as material for the digital distribution page for the game as they each have factors of a advert. I have also included a picture of how the spine will look, this includes the title and the slight colour of the bottom of the front of the cover to link it to the 'good side of the character' this is to enforce the idea of playing the side of the 'good' character (the protagonist)

The magazine advert to the side of this text is the final version of the advert, it has the new metal texture and also includes the steam page offer as well as the age rating.
This is the final live action tv advert, the link between the two tv adverts is very apparent and clearly shown. The final product of this trailer fits in with my desires for the advert and also appeals to the target market's generic pleasures and their views to interesting adverts
This is the final animation tv advert, much like the live action advert the link is answered within this trailer to what the game actually is, it also appeals in the same ways as the live action trailer does to the audience, their views and their generic pleasures
don't forget to consider the design for the spine as well - it will be the bit seen by the customer/attracting attention when stacked on shelves - so it must be equally eye-catching